There are problems, yes. But none of them are related to the printer or to my setup of the document on InDesign, so, success.
This Is Happening Right Now
Splitting five cell lines into six parts each. That’s thirty flasks to fill with cells before I can go back to work on my poster.
Down with the Sickness
Because any writing vaguely resembling a movie review needs some sort of pseudo-wit based around a pun. I saw Contagion over the weekend. It’s not often I make it to the theater for a movie (last time was Midnight in Paris, before that I think it was Black Swan), so I try to do my due diligence and make…
Rachel’s friend Jenni was driving a Mercedes CLX 430 and offered to let her take it out for a spin. She disappeared “around the block,” only to return about fifteen minutes later. I guess she realized she was getting a little far away from the apartment when she saw the highway signs. I got a…
Homemade Pizza
I finally got tired of waiting for my AC to get fixed and started turning computers back on. About…goodness, about a month ago, we tried our hand at making pizza from scratch. The last time we did was back in Maryland with our friend Jeff Chiu, whom we greatly miss. This time we used Angie’s…
There’s a hole in our house where the new AC is going to be. Visible progress my friends, I will dare to hope that we will be able to sit in our living room without pouring sweat within the week.
There Is Never a Case Where Sharing Equals Stealing
Most, if not all IP maximalists and a great many misinformed journalists equate the sharing of digital information with the theft of physical objects. This misuse of language has been debunked may times over, but in a recent article, Kevin Drum at Mother Jones remixed the argument in favor. I think he’s still making a…