New Style Switcher
Inspired by a number of amazing, professional sites, I spent a bunch of time working with TimK on creating my own version of a style switcher. To be honest, at this point the code is rather ham-handed and I’ll be looking to improve it in the near future. But for now, it’s pretty cool, and…
Curing Cancer
It’s bothered me for a long time that people talk about “finding a cure for cancer.” Today, Jorge Cham of PhD comics has addressed this very same issue in a very easy to understand and straightfoward way—his comic. I enjoy the rest of his comics and it’s awesome that he’s taken the time to try…
Let’s Try Some Science
I have been working on updating my research poster for a presentation I’ll be giving at UMBC as part of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achivement Day. I have been a part of this project since I first started working in scientific research last year, and it’s been extremely exciting to start to see the data…
A Family Affair
Rachel and I see one set of our respective parents and siblings nearly every weekend, so when Easter rolled around we decided to spend the Sunday with our nuclear family—that is, just the two of us. We went out to Giant Sunday morning and picked up a bunch of materials for an easy-but-nice Easter dinner, and…
Left 4 Dead Fanart
I like HDR photography, and I like Left 4 Dead, so when I saw a link to a Flickr gallery of Left 4 Dead-inspired HDR photography, I was pretty excited. I think they do a pretty good job at recreating the L4D atmosphere with live-action models. A few of the actors have a difficult time…
I realized this week that I was having some trouble getting pingbacks to work on the site. I spent far too much time scouring the internet looking for solutions to the problem with little luck. Ultimately, it appears that the issue was more specifically related to my conditions than I initially expected, but in the…
The State of Maryland vs. pr0n
Somehow I’ve found myself involved in the ongoing issue over screening adult films on University System of Maryland schools. There are a few good articles to read on the subject as it stands right now, but here’s a quick summary: College Park was going to screen an adult film in the student theater, but the…
Vote for Me!
When I launched the site a few weeks ago, I stumbled across a WordPress design contest hosted by WPWebhost. I decided to toss my hat into the ring and it turns out that out of 58 entries for the “Modern & Elegant” category, I was selected to be one of the ten contestants in the poll.…