Things that make me feel dumb: Unlabelled Doors
In general this problem is pretty simple, right? All I have to do is look for the visual cues—be it a sign with clear directions to “push” or “pull,” or more physical attributes like the presence of a handle (pull) or crash bar (push). What gets me are the handled doors like the one shown…
Another Lazy Sunday Morning
Lately when I have spent the night at Rachel’s house, I find myself waking up at 6:00 AM with her, ostensibly for reasons ranging from taking her to work in my car to studying. This particular week I have been doing some preparation for the MCAT, a task that has been considerably hindered by my…
My day has included some rather interesting and unexpected turns of events and it’s barely afternoon. I’ve been struggling with my torrent client for weeks trying to figure out why I suddenly went unconnectable. After almost haphazardly trying a few things this morning I finally stumbled upon success, which happily coincided with my acceptance into…
Application Processes
I have spent the morning (since about 6:50 AM today) working on various application processes, ranging from the stuff required for UMBC’s Health Professions Evaluations Committee (basically the gateway to the med school applications) to scholarships. I’m getting increasingly frustrated with this whole system as I continue to try and force myself into paper in…
The Pirate’s Dilemma
The TorrentFreak blog posted a guest article by author Matt Mason that I think hits on the same idea I was trying to get at in one of my earlier posts. He makes some interesting comparisons to historical events that I found quite interesting. Of particular note, from the closing paragraph: …what pirates are actually…
Welcome 2008
I have only recently returned to my apartment, and my internet-based mainstays, on account of the recent holiday season, my lack of a laptop computer, and because I am too cheap to add data service to my cellular plan. As a result, I have only recently been affectionately reunited with Tess, my lovingly constructed desktop…
Web Grievances
Whenever a title contains “grievance” one prepares for the worst, so I’ll try to keep the whining to a minimum. It seems I was over-hasty to laud the virtues of Imeem, as Kyle and more recently, I, have discovered its frustrating limitation. It appears that user-uploaded content only plays as a 30-second clip when embedded…