Facebook Importing, Part 2
Apparently Facebook stops importing notes without telling you if you delete any of the imported ones. So I can either have duplicates or delete all the past, commented and tagged notes. Yay Facebook for such a limited support of this feature.
Managing My Web 2.0 Life
After going through the whole process to create a Flickr account, I realized my URL of choice, /silversteelwolf, was already taken—by me. I had created another account months ago and promptly forgotten both about it and the login information for it. I’ve spent the past several days sending emails back and forth to Yahoo customer…
Importing to Facebook
For a while now I’ve been importing these blog posts as notes into my Facebook account via the handy-dandy RSS feed Blogger provides. However, I recently added the feed to FeedBurner largely because it allows me to track subscribers using the handy little button on the right-hand side—four already since I added the thing, that’s…
Things that make me feel dumb: CAPTCHAs
With the prominence of bots registering account and posting “comments” with the sole purpose of hawking their master’s shady online market, many websites have implemented a step to impede this unwanted behavior: the CAPTCHA, or Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The purpose of this little image is in effect,…
Another Milestone for the Tercel
Way back when I was still updating my journal (that’s what they called them before “blog” was such a popular buzzword) on deviantART, my ’84 Toyota Tercel hit a pretty significant milestone. On the trip back from Chincoteague, I passed by another one that made me happy enough that I actually wiped the dust off…
Thanksgiving at the Beach
I went away from both home and Maryland for the Thanksgiving holiday for the first time in my life. It’s always interesting to break away from the regular and try something new, and in this case I think the experience was a good one. While it was obviously too cold for swimming (even though Rachel…
Omar Woes
Here in the apartment, we all love Omar. We really do. But sometimes he does things we just can’t understand, like turning up the air conditioning when it’s 48 degrees outside. I literally had to go put on a jacket as my fingers were getting too cold to continue typing. What’s great is that Omar…
Ode to My Blue Bowl
Plates were in the washer clean An easy solution it would seem Yet the sink was overflowing with Every single type of dish. The night before I had consumed Popcorn from my bowl of blue. Delicious treat, a healthy snack But then I put the blue bowl back Atop the pile in the sink Oh…