GenY: Innocence Undone
4/17/2020: “Generation Y” would later be renamed, “Millennials.”
Good Evening, Frederick
I gave this picture to Rachel the day of our wedding.
Clothed in Life
I’ve been working on this one off and on for some time now. Finally, I think it’s reached a state where I can declare it finished. Notice how the girl combines the features of the two planets, living and dead. I don’t have a bunch of impressive stats, but we’ll see iwhat Rachel thinks when…
Dove Holiday Card
FastForward to Wall.
Standing in the kitchen Looking at the broken glass. Thinking about my living And the time we argued last. The pieces are transparent Blending right in with the floor. How could you be a parent When you always wanted more? Gathering the fragments I can’t help but cut my hands. Flaunting your achievements As you…
Solitary Seating