Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Hasta Luego, San Diego

    Roughly eighteen months ago I made the decision to pursue an epilepsy fellowship in a chaotic process that ended with a position at Stanford. Today, I’m faced with the obvious consequence of my choices: I had to move out of San Diego. The quasi-academic nature of postgraduate medical training leaves little time for major life…

  • Turning Back Time

    It turns out that, like me, my car is getting older. So is this website, for that matter: it’s coming up on fourteen years since this. Back in 2009, having an in-dash LCD screen and navigation system on a Honda was pretty sweet. I still had a Windows Mobile phone with a full keyboard and…

  • Nonperformance

    Trans means different things to different people, creating a wide variety of possible experiences. In my individual case, a lot of my experience and motivation to ultimately transition stems from a lifetime of gender dysphoria, or essentially being born into the wrong body. While I have only been in a place to “do something about…

  • Never-ending Grind

    Never-ending Grind

    I keep attempting to wrest my medical trajectory closer to the engineering career I should have pursued all along…

  • Neuro Bags

    Neuro Bags

    Exploring the various items I carry with me at work.

  • Detritus

    Physical detritus, its many forms, and the unending burden of its containment.

  • Vaccine Reactions

    Most reactions to a vaccine are not much to worry about, and even anaphylaxis is treatable.

  • Rudford’s Restaurant Diner Deserves to Perish

    Fighting public health measures has only extended and worsened the pandemic.