Waiting for Dark Knight Rises
J was tired so we put her to bed while we are waiting in line. I’ve been excited about this movie for ages! Saw the first movie this afternoon in preparation.
Quantum Mitt
When you confront him, he collapses into whichever state he thinks you want to hear.
Getting the Facts on the Latest Tree Ring Analysis
http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2012/07/tree-rings-and-climate-some-recent-developments/ For all the scientific illiterates who think the Nature paper contradicts climate change.
Yes, Please Move to Canada
Just make sure you leave before the midterm elections.
Studying for Comps
It goes something like this.
Commentary on the Republican Economy
This Republican Economy | New York Times Key quote: “The fact is that we have already seen the Republican economic future — and it doesn’t work.” Paul Krugman via nytimes.com
Oops: Obama Spending Binge Never Happened
Once again, the facts expose the lies in conservative talking points. Obama Spending Binge Never Happened | MarketWatch
The Breakfast Club