Homemade Pesto
For all those “not impressed” by my earlier efforts, this is made with pan-roasted garlic, red peppers, parmesan and ricotta cheeses, and fresh herbs.
The Man and His Film—Short Directed by Mark
Awesome short film directed by my brother Mark.
Forgetting My Lunch
Repressive Conservatism
Throughout history, conservative groups have ascribed to a particularly irksome idea: If they do not want to do something, nobody else should be able to do it either. Thus, conservatives attempt to use the state to coerce people to conform to a specification or to prohibit something entirely. Why does this keep happening? How does…
Chart: The illustrated history of you being screwed by people like Mitt Romney
A cold dose of the facts. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2012/5/2/1088158/-Chart-The-illustrated-history-of-you-being-screwed-by-people-like-Mitt-Romney
Greatest of Mustaches
Getting ready for production…
Wired for Communication