Soda Fountain of the Future
Wow, Five Guys has the soda fountain we have been collectively imagining for generations. Dial up one of dozens of choices with the touchscreen and push the button to dispense. Yes!
If You’ll Permit a Bit of Self-Congratulation…
…I am rather proud of myself. Yesterday I spent a number of hours hacking on the computers comprising our home theater setup. When Rachel came home that night and wanted to watch TV, it “just worked.” Over the course of those hours I tweaked some motherboard settings to significantly reduce the fan noise (and hopefully…
Canadian Thanksgiving
I don’t have any photos of Thanksgiving this year. We opted not to cook and instead ate with some local friends, spending the rest of the time hanging out around the house with our friend Liz, guacamole, onion dip, and movies. I do, however, have some photos of the Canadian Thanksgiving party we threw together…
Looking Scruffy
After delaying shaving and cutting my hair for the Hallowe’en costume, I let it go for a bit longer in solidarity with Mark, who has been doing No-Shave November. Of course, Rachel hated it with a passion, and so her passion for kissing me was significantly cooled. I finally got a haircut, which left a…
Prevening Boulders
It was supposed to be more of an afternoon trip, but by the time we got people together and made the drive out to Joshua Tree, it was more like prevening. In the past I have duct taped the knees of my ripped jeans for adventures such as these, but this time I was convinced…
Sgt. Donny Donowitz
For Hallowe’en, I decided to try going as Sgt. Donny Donowitz from the movie Inglourious Basterds. I planned on procuring some suspenders and a baseball bat from one of the local thrift stores, but they proved impossible to find in time. From now on, Rachel and I are going to attempt to acquire costume pieces…
Game Show Ticket
I keep thinking this is one of the Game Show tickets from @playglitch.
Jesus. All?
Recently, Loma Linda University used the slogan “Jesus. All.” to brand a series of worship services. Apparently it’s also the headline of a reform-type movement within the Seventh-Day Adventist church. It’s one of those phrases so firmly reflective of Christian tradition that, to Christians, it is incontrovertible. Upon closer, more objective examination, however, the statement…