This afternoon we took a walk up a hill to check out the view. On the way back we ran across a large beetle.
What Happened Here?
When we put the chicken away last night the bowl was fine. This afternoon we got it out for lunch and found this scene of devastation. Especially odd is that it looks like it’s missing a whole piece, but we didn’t find any yellow plastic sections anywhere. Hrm… Anybody who was at my house yesterday…
Six Figure Checks? Seriously?
Looks like Matthew Inman, the guy behind one of my favorite webcomic sites, The Oatmeal, has started whining about content aggregators. You know, those sites that compulsively gobble whatever they can find on the internet and spew it back with all kinds of advertising. I used to run into these all the time when googling…
Inside the PhD Program
Somehow I managed to sleep for twelve hours last night. I thought I’d take a “short nap” at around 8 PM, and basically ended up waking at 8 AM this morning. Huh. Oh, also it’s Rapture Day. Having made a similar mistake more than a hundred years ago, Seventh-Day Adventists know what to do. Anyway,…
Nilla Mitosis
My bag of mini Nilla wafers contained one that was in the process of dividing when it was fixed (baked). The specimen allowed me to complete an informative and delicious diagram.
Confocal Microscopy
While waiting for my turn on the confocal microscope I did a little advanced imaging of my own. I took this with picplz but so far I’m not too “plzed” with how they deal with the images. Equating caption and title isn’t all that great, although the effects are kind of fun.
By the Corporations, For the Corporations
Remember how Comcast and NBC were merging, and there was all kinds of controversy about it? I’m still not entirely sure what I think the deal itself, except that Comcast has a maddening monopoly on internet access in some areas (including where we used to live in Baltimore) and NBC is one of the hemorrhaging…
Post-Exam Boba
One thing we got introduced to when we moved out here was boba tea, a delicious blend of tea, milk, and little balls of tapioca (the boba). You drink it carefully through a large straw and try to make the boba last until you finish the tea. We went after our exam today to celebrate.…