Our New Apartment
Hooray, our new place!
The Stunning Conclusion
Somehow this ending already got spoiled (must have been those voracious online fan communities), but almost two weeks ago we made it to California. Here are the pics of the final terrain change, where we begin seeing cacti and palm trees in earnest. Heading into the valley we had a twelve-mile unbroken downhill coast.
Finally, the Grand Canyon
After we arrived in Loma Linda it took about a week to get internet access, and the house is finally in enough of an orderly state that I feel okay about taking time to sort through and upload pictures. The Grand Canyon is pretty spectacular. Of course, everybody knows that, and we’ve all seen pictures,…
Welcome to California
Rachel and I arrived in Loma Linda on Sunday having traveled around 3000 miles, averaged 46 miles per gallon, crossed ten states, and had zero fights. Pause for a moment to appreciate that. Now, this: Thursday we emptied most of the trailer by ourselves, because we’re just that incredible. Okay, enough aggrandizement. In between the…
Highlights from Crossing the Southwest
On Friday we left Texas and crossed all of New Mexico to end up in Flagstaff, Arizona. We weren’t as efficient as on some of the other days as we made a number of stops. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it ended up one of the better traveling days despite the extra hours on the road. I filled…
Smoky Mountains
Took these pictures of the Smoky Mountains while leaving Tennessee en route to Arkansas. Call it a wild guess, but I’m saying that fog like this is how they got their name.
Chattanooga Sunset
This is the last batch of pictures from Chattanooga. I was a little trigger-happy with the camera, okay? The sky provided us with a “woah, blue rainbow” experience. I’m guessing the river had something to do with the cloud-free swath of sky.
More from Downtown Chattanooga
I took a bunch of pictures in Chattanooga, but since we’re going to be here in Flagstaff a second night (and the time change wakes us up early) I think I’m going to have the time to process all of them. There are some beautiful buildings and artwork in the city; somehow I made it through the…