Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Life

Short (and long) reads extracted from my personal life.

  • Reading List Inoculation

    A few minutes ago I finished reading Flowers for Algernon, one of those extremely well-known titles that I wasn’t entirely sure if I had read before or not. It was an excellent book that I would highly recommend reading if you weren’t already required to at some point. One of the benefits of being largely…

  • Auditorium

    I was looking back through my Google Reader starred items and I rediscovered what has to be the greatest flash game since Grid 16. It’s called Auditorium, and it’s a puzzle game that blends the logic of puzzle solving with multi-part musical harmony and smooth visuals. I only made partway through the second act before…

  • Medium for Consternation, Anguish, and Trepidation

    Preparing for the MCAT is difficult on an emotional level as much as it is on a purely intellectual level. Just as with the rest of the med school application process, my moods oscillate between courageous optimism ( “This isn’t that bad, you’ll get into a bunch of schools” ) and abject despair ( “You’re…

  • Frozen Out

    I went down to my car this morning at 7:45 to find an icy surprise—both my driver’s side and passenger’s side doors were completely frozen shut. After awkwardly tugging on them for a while, I decided to crack open my hatchback, crawl through the car to the driver’s seat, and kick out the door from…

  • Safety Is Our #2 Concern

    A lot of companies and organizations with some degree of occupation hazard make bold claims in support of safety. Statements like, “Safety is our mission” or “Safety is our goal” are frequently seen on posters stickers on the back of trucks, whatever. The funny thing about this is that safety actually cannot be a number…

  • Left Behind

    There’s definitely something to be said for leaving the house in the morning in a controlled and organized manner, rather than the inefficient whirlwind of chaos and failure I perpetuate in those wee AM hours. Case in point: I left my iPod plugged in to my computer instead of transferring it to my backpack. This,…

  • Twenty-Four

    It’s been a while since there have been new episodes of 24. Of course, the more seasons a show has the greater the chance of it going down the drain—I’m sure it’s near enough to an exponential function. I’ve watched the first four episodes and they’ve been pretty good. Tony and Jack running down hallways…

  • Dragostea din tei

    2004: Gary Brolsma releases his “Numa Numa Dance” video on, starting an internet phenomenon and introducing millions of people to the band O-Zone. 2008: Pop-rapper T.I. releases yet another “hit single” featuring Rihanna, titled Live Your Life. The song samples the opening sequence from O-Zone’s song, Dragostea din tei. The funny thing for me…