Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Life

Short (and long) reads extracted from my personal life.

  • Critical Care

    Michael rides in an ambulance for the first time as an adult and learns from some of the most competent people in the children’s hospital.

  • Leveling Up

    If there’s anyone left still following along after all the extended silences and affirmative responses to the “are you still in school” question, it’s time to check in with what I’m doing now. While I did, in fact, graduate with some degrees a while back there’s still a long way to go on the path…

  • Lego Rediscovery

    For some time now I have had a goal of transporting my Lego collection from its storage location at my mom’s house to my current place of residence. This past weekend, I made the beginnings of progress during a brief stop through Maryland. When I arrived at her house, my mom had kindly gathered all…

  • Water Supply Side

    Recently I found a new-in-box water bottle at a thrift store. Initially I was confused as to why someone would get rid of it; however, upon opening the box I saw that it was emblazoned with a logo: SupplySide I’m sure it’s former owner was worried about accidentally being associated with such an embarrassingly mistaken…

  • An Evening of Pots

    Now that we live further away from scorching desert heat, Rachel and I have been attempting to expand our porch-garden. When we saw a good deal on glazed clay pots, we figured it was probably time to commit to moving our plants out of spare storage bins and mop buckets. Loading our haul into the…

  • Type I Hypersensitivity

    I had another allergic reaction, once again after specifically inquiring  about a dish’s peanut content. I noticed suspiciously peanut-like “macadamia nut” pieces that tasted an awful lot like peanuts to my companion, but after being assured they were not peanuts, the first bite determined that was a lie. Perhaps it was the sauce? I haven’t seen…

  • Pager Trouble

    One of the first items I was issued when I started residency, along with my ID badge, was a pager. Yes, we still have pagers, which has invited derisive remarks from local churls if we go out immediately after work and forget to leave them in the car. You may be surprised to learn that…

  • Intern Insecurities

    Now that I’ve finished my first month as an intern, I can admit I was afraid that the first time a nurse asked me a question, I would freeze, burst into tears, and run away. So far, so good. Perhaps the most awkward experience this month was not, in fact, showing first-time mothers how to…