Fantastic Post on How Genesis != Science
A Worshipping Evolutionist? Science doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, I’ve found that when I finally let Genesis be what is (a beautifully meaningful poem) and science what it is (science), it can all actually be tremendously awe-inspiring. Science can actually become another testament of God–another space where the voice of God can be…
Site to Help You Vote Smarter
Rachel and I were just talking the other day about needing something like this. http://vote.good.is/
Tracking the Horserace
WE Built That (in pictures)
In rare moment of clarity, Mittens gushes about Israel’s socialized medicine
“Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the GDP in Israel? eight percent,” Romney told donors at a fundraiser at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, speaking of a health care system that is compulsory for Israelis and funded by the government. “You spend eight percent of GDP on health…
Quantum Mitt
When you confront him, he collapses into whichever state he thinks you want to hear.
Getting the Facts on the Latest Tree Ring Analysis
http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2012/07/tree-rings-and-climate-some-recent-developments/ For all the scientific illiterates who think the Nature paper contradicts climate change.
Yes, Please Move to Canada
Just make sure you leave before the midterm elections.