Last Legs
My poor ’84 Toyota Tercel is three years older than I am, and it’s really held up well. However, over the past several years it has been slowly falling apart. I try to hold it together as best I can but sometimes the most random problems occur. Last night I got in the car, got…
Today’s Playlist
A while back I got a whole bunch of new music, and I’ve been trying to make sure that I listen to each new song at least once before I go back to my regular routine. As a result, I’ve set up a playlist with all of these new songs and have been serially listening…
A Disruption in the Continuity
Just finished watching the latest episode of Heroes, “A Clear and Present Danger.” This begins “Volume 4” and the second half of Season 3, as well as the attempt by the Heroes team to salvage the show after two rather disappointing volumes. It’s hard to believe that after everything he’s been through, Nathan Petrelli would…
Comedic Comparisions
As a follow up to my previous post, I’ve found two great examples of an “old lady” character being used in what is supposed to be a humorous situation. This one, about the complexity of the Digital TV transition, is funny: Jack Black’s bathtub makeout session in last night’s Office episode is not (at 2:09).…
Topping the Charts
I just want to say that about 75% of the songs I have been hearing when I turn on the radio (especially MIX 106.5) are one of the following: Womanizer – Britney Spears Let It Rock – Kevin Rudolf featuring Lil’ Wayne Single Ladies – Beyoncé Live Your Life – T.I. featuring Rhianna Seriously, I…
Constitutional Copyright
The Congress shall have Power…To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 3 | Clause 8 While reading the US Constitution for my polisci class, I came across this mention of…
I was looking back through my Google Reader starred items and I rediscovered what has to be the greatest flash game since Grid 16. It’s called Auditorium, and it’s a puzzle game that blends the logic of puzzle solving with multi-part musical harmony and smooth visuals. I only made partway through the second act before…
Medium for Consternation, Anguish, and Trepidation
Preparing for the MCAT is difficult on an emotional level as much as it is on a purely intellectual level. Just as with the rest of the med school application process, my moods oscillate between courageous optimism ( “This isn’t that bad, you’ll get into a bunch of schools” ) and abject despair ( “You’re…