Button-Fly Jeans
I have been searching for new pairs of jeans for a while now, a quest that yesterday brought me into H & M in Towson Mall (they have a pretty extensive men’s section compared to their other store instances I have encountered). Yet in the fitting room I was surprised and dismayed to discover that…
Going Live…
I have been tinkering around with this site for a while now, and I think it’s finally gotten to the point where I can start using it. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but I’m ready to let people take a look at it and see what they think. I’ve imported all…
Holy Cow—Another Winner from Valve?
I’m not the biggest follower of gaming news—usually I just hear about things from Kyle, Penny Arcade, or a rare late night web surf. As a result I just found out about Left 4 Dead today, a new multiplayer FPS game from Valve. I watched the interview video and I’m really impressed. I can definitely…
Grid 16
This is by far one of the most interesting and fun flash-based games I have played in a long time. Check out Grid 16. There are 16 mini-games, all requiring the arrow keys to control, and your job is to figure out how to play them while staying alive. Die in a game and it’s…
Moving Forward
What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry uplike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a soreAnd then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar overlike a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load. Or does it explode? Langston Hughes
SGA Presidential Debates Online
I am running for President of the UMBC Student Government Association along with Sonia Siddiqui (who is in fact quite awesome). The other day we have the opportunity to debate with the other candidate, which was kindly recorded by UMBCtv and posted online. I encourage you to check out the video and let us know…
Things That Make Me Feel Dumb: Forgetting to Attach
I know for a fact that this one isn’t unique to me. I spend some time crafting a wonderfully professional email, usually to somebody rather important, of course referencing an attached file. After reviewing the fruits of my labor, I happily click “send”—only to realize a moment too late that I have neglected to attach…
Congratulations Du!
My little brother Mark got his first job today. I’m so excited for him! It’s a big step in the transition from child to adult and I’m confident he’s going to do well. Way to go Du!