Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


A couple of nights ago I had a crazy dream based around Team Fortress 2. The teams were red and blue, as usual, and I was playing on the red (defending) team. The map was some strange modification of cp_dustbowl translated to real life. The twist was that the blue and red teams represented Democrats and Republicans, respectively, which meant that as a red player I was getting hunted by a bunch of angry Democrats.

I was playing a soldier and for some reason every single rocket I fired narrowly missed the approaching onslaught, and I think this was happening to all of my teammates as well, because before long I was running for my life and trying to get my fellow players to follow me.

I’m not exactly sure how it ended, but I remember trying to convince my brother to get in my car with me so we could try and evacuate before we were summarily executed, only to realize that I had been surrounded. The whole time, I was thinking, “But I voted for Obama!”

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