Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: academia

  • Labs Suck

    Cell Biology lab has put me in a foul mood this afternoon. To be fair, it starts at a disadvantage thanks to the time: 2:30-5:30 on Friday afternoons. However, any remaining grace I may have felt for the class evaporated faster than isopropyl alcohol when my partner Amir and I began the activity. So much…

  • Organic

    From Orgo Lab class, my paraphrase, upon receiving our quizzes back: Cool, I got a four out of five! Oh, wait…it’s out of ten. I think it echoes the general sentiments of Organic Lab perfectly.

  • Way to Fail

    I just found out that due to negligence on my part, I’ll be lucky to get three out of ten participation points for this segment of my class. Hooray for me. -_-

  • Graduating‽

    What‽ I’m graduating. Today. This is the moment I’ve been looking forward to for four years, and now that it’s here all I want to do is hold it off. ACK! It’s scary!

  • Two Weeks Notice

    That’s what I gave to Giant yesterday. I work tomorrow, and a few hours on Friday, and then I can hang up my red Giant shirt for good. And exchange it for a red CompUSA shirt, because I got hired with them. I’m going to be working sales floor instead of cashiering which is a major improvement. Especially…