Managing My Web 2.0 Life
After going through the whole process to create a Flickr account, I realized my URL of choice, /silversteelwolf, was already taken—by me. I had created another account months ago and promptly forgotten both about it and the login information for it. I’ve spent the past several days sending emails back and forth to Yahoo customer…
Importing to Facebook
For a while now I’ve been importing these blog posts as notes into my Facebook account via the handy-dandy RSS feed Blogger provides. However, I recently added the feed to FeedBurner largely because it allows me to track subscribers using the handy little button on the right-hand side—four already since I added the thing, that’s…
Things that make me feel dumb: CAPTCHAs
With the prominence of bots registering account and posting “comments” with the sole purpose of hawking their master’s shady online market, many websites have implemented a step to impede this unwanted behavior: the CAPTCHA, or Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The purpose of this little image is in effect,…
It’s not that I hate Macs…
I own a number of Apple products, I have given Apple products as gifts, and I most likely will purchase an Apple MacBook Pro to replace my current laptop computer. What really gets me, though, is the idea that PC problems can somehow be solved by switching platforms. It’s as if a customer, upon purchasing…
UMBC Scheduler
Check out the Spring 2007 version of the UMBC Scheduler. It’s got a lot of great features, like the ability to choose between classes you know you have to take and “extra” classes. That way you can see which optional classes work best with the main ones. Also you can search through classes by teacher,…
SteelWolf: Reanimated (UPDATE)
Yeah, so I obviously left this corner of the internet to rot while I went off to college. For shame, deserting the internet community for education and socialization. For whatever reason, I’m attempting to reanimate this place. Maybe it’ll get to the point where I can actually promote this as my website again. I’m going to University of…
Huzzah for Insecurity!
It must come with the territory, turning eighteen (July 10!) and graduating high school. Faced with so many upcoming changes, it’s natural to be just a bit worried. After all, who knows what could happen if I picked the wrong brand of microwave popcorn? I’m sitting in a baseball field where my little brother is practicing for…
Hit the Road, John
Well, it’s my fault for not writing this immediately when I was thinking about it. Towards the end of last week, I took it upon myself to fix the Xbox display at my store (CompUSA). Several weeks before, the Xbox rep had come by and naturally was annoyed that the system didn’t work. She shipped me some…