Neuroscience Style II
Tastes Like Chicken
Blackened, covered in delicious spices, it’s…alligator? I am definitely making the most of this NOLA trip.
Neuroscience Style
Some Settling May Have Occurred During Shipping
Wild Zones | Loma Linda University School of Medicine Student Blog
At one point in my life I spent a lot of time mowing the lawn. We had a decently-sized area with terrain ranging from wide, flat spaces to steep hills and washed-out depressions. The ride-on mower was the closest I got to having a four-wheeler, so the chore wasn’t all bad. Even so, during the…
Near-Field Possibilities
Near-Field Communication (NFC) is one of those technologies that feels like the future—and not just because it’s been used in Japan for a hemidecade. Through short-range wireless transmissions, NFC helps connect physical objects to the electronic world. Something as thin as a sticker can contain an NFC tag, allowing people equipped with devices to interact,…
Studying for Comps
It goes something like this.
The Worst Micro Tube Ever Designed
Impossible to close or open with one hand. Unwritable cap. Fully smooth unwritable exterior. Too tall.