Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: holidays

  • Snow in Southern California

    Perhaps as a result of Loma Linda University being a private graduate school (and the increased tuition income that allows), the Student Association’s Christmas party this week was fantastic. In addition to folks spending Monday through Thursday wrapping every vertical object near the party area with lights, they brought in snow. In Southern California, where…

  • Operation Turkey Cook

    Operation Turkey Cook

    Let’s start with the news you were dying to hear: Operation Turkey Cook was a success. In addition to preparing a delicious bird, Rachel and I created a sumptuous feast that is bound to have us eating leftovers for a week or more. While listening to This American Life, we made cranberry sauce, asparagus, cornbread…

  • Wolf Pumpkin Carving

    I love carving pumpkins. I’m not necessarily that talented at the practice, but I put in a good effort and I can generally follow a pattern. It’s turned into one of those things my brother Mark and I do together every year, only now I’ve spoiled everything by moving to California. This year we had…

  • Pumpkin Carving Party

    We had a bunch of people over to carve pumpkins on Hallowe’en weekend. It was a first experience for many of our friends and the results were quite impressive. One of the pumpkins turned out to look oddly similar to one of our Biochem professor’s trademark expressions. There’s also a toothy face, a devouring face,…

  • Trick or Treat? [Updated]

    Hallowe’en is fast approaching, and once again I am caught without a costume. I was thinking of hunting down a few accessories at a thrift store so I could be Hipster Hitler, but I’m not sure how well that would go over with folks not privy to the comic. There’s also the possibility of making…

  • Kiss Me, I’m Irish

    Seriously, I am. The Italian is just in greater proportion. This morning when I got into my car to go to work, I discovered a surprise indubitably left behind by a mischievous fairy. The festive container was crammed with verdant confections that will most certainly be a source of tasty delight for days to come. Have…

  • A Family Affair

    Rachel and I see one set of our respective parents and siblings nearly every weekend, so when Easter rolled around we decided to spend the Sunday with our nuclear family—that is, just the two of us. We went out to Giant Sunday morning and picked up a bunch of materials for an easy-but-nice Easter dinner, and…

  • Welcome 2008

    I have only recently returned to my apartment, and my internet-based mainstays, on account of the recent holiday season, my lack of a laptop computer, and because I am too cheap to add data service to my cellular plan. As a result, I have only recently been affectionately reunited with Tess, my lovingly constructed desktop…