Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: micro.story

  • End of Scroll

    She tried to scroll further down the list but nothing happened; she had reached the end, there were no more listings. She looked at the time: it was late afternoon, now, almost evening. Her stomach gurgled, reminding her that she had not eaten, not since that piece of seven-grain toast and strawberry jam she had…

  • Not Today

    He wasn’t a meathead, but he enjoyed his time at the gym. Thirty minutes cardio, thirty of weights, slowly inching toward the manly figure he wanted to see in the mirror. He peeled off his sweat-soaked clothes, shirt clinging stubbornly to his back, and stepped into the shower. He breathed in sharply as the cold…

  • Cybernetic_Reconstruct

    Her name is Serenity, which I actually came up with LONG before the movie came out under the same name. I actually stole it from one of my friend’s list of favorite baby names… At any rate, I spent way too much time on this over the course of year or so. Thanks to darkmatterzone (Model:…

  • Composition Students

    The brave teenager dragged his exhausted form toward the golden structure. Even if he did make it to the Temple of Completion, his quest was far from over. Armed only with his sword of ballpoint and keyboard, he would have to defeat a plethora of formidable assailants. He wasn’t looking forward to facing the triple-incarnated Revision, the biting…