This Was a Triumph
All too often my weekends pass by in a blur of responsibilities, visiting families, and going places that, after ensuring I am sufficiently dizzy, cruelly abandons me on Monday morning. I am left drinking coffee and asking myself just where that time went, and how long is it until Friday again? In a refreshing inversion,…
Nine Disappointments
I saw the movie 9 on Saturday night, after being sufficiently excited for it by the trailer. As the title of this post reveals, I left the movie with a richer understanding of its 56% on RottenTomatoes. The animation and action sequences were great; in fact, the movie was oozing with potential. Unfortunately, thanks to…
Accio Harry Potter
Rachel is a big fan of the Harry Potter books, managing eventually to convince me to read the series myself. Naturally, she’s been super-excited about the upcoming film adaptation of the sixth seventh book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, so we planned on seeing it when it comes out July 15th. Last night, after…
Watchmen, and Other Updates
It has been a little while since I’ve posted here. The main reason is that I’ve been spending my online time working on my secret site redesign. I’m extremely close to finishing and after the work I did this afternoon, I think I’m in pretty good shape to launch in the next couple of days.…
Web Grievances
Whenever a title contains “grievance” one prepares for the worst, so I’ll try to keep the whining to a minimum. It seems I was over-hasty to laud the virtues of Imeem, as Kyle and more recently, I, have discovered its frustrating limitation. It appears that user-uploaded content only plays as a 30-second clip when embedded…
In other news…
It appears that Facebook has gotten the blog import feature working again. Perhaps now I should go back and tag some of these. Rachel and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End on DVD last night. I tried to get a better quality picture by hooking the player up via the component video…
February 14 Hitch
No, that wasn’t Rachel and me getting married, ya ectoplasm. We went to a wedding. Rachel and I saw Hitch this weekend. That movie is on my favorites list now. It totally r0x0rz my b0x0rz (the awesome penguin ones). So go see it. Know of any good places to download techno music? I could use some (.midi files need not respond).…
This Was Going to Be a Cool Title
…until I forgot it. But I’m going to stop being so predictable in this journal. There are all kinds of stresses and things in life, and if you’re always thinking about them, you prevent yourself from really enjoying life. There’s nothing wrong with caring about that stuff; in fact, it’s a requirement. However, sometimes you just have to…