Chart: The illustrated history of you being screwed by people like Mitt Romney
A cold dose of the facts. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2012/5/2/1088158/-Chart-The-illustrated-history-of-you-being-screwed-by-people-like-Mitt-Romney
Oops. Kony 2012 Cover the Night fails to move from the internet to the streets
The Kony 2012 Cover the Night campaign woke up to awkward questions on Saturday after activists failed to blanket cities with posters of the wanted Ugandan warlord, Joseph Kony. via guardian.co.uk Unfortunately, Luddites and naysayers will use this as a reason to poo-poo all internet activism. To which I say, SOPA protests.
We Already Have Our “Centrist”
I am sick of this “pox on both houses” outlook on American politics. People like Tom Friedman and other so-called “centrists” keep pining for this fantastical blend of today’s Republicans and Democrats. This idea is entirely flawed. The past four years have been characterized by deliberate Republican obstructionism with the expressed intent to hamstring our…
It’s time for a whole new Mittens!
I’m surprised how easily duped voters are (if not in fact, certainly in the eyes of the Romney campaign). His opinions on issues vacillate something like the following exchange: Primary Voter: I support voting rights for fetuses! Mitt: If there is one thing I know I support, it’s voting rights for fetuses. Primary Voter: Excellent,…
Why Do We Hate Government?
I don’t understand the anti-government sentiment that has been so pervasive in certain circles. The basis of a representative government is not an inherited organization that seeks to oppress or control the people. Rather, it is an institution of collective action that allows us to attempt to act in the best interest of all. The…
Hurray for Health Reform
What this means is that the Affordable Care Act is the only thing protecting us from an imminent surge in the number of Americans who can’t afford essential care. So this reform had better survive — because if it doesn’t, many Americans who need health care won’t. via nytimes.com Take note, misguided ACA opponents.
Cult of Ignorance
If only he were alive today…
Famous Republican Ike Eisenhower on the Social Safety Net
Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his…