To Arr is Pirate
The voting results are in and the Swedish Pirate Party has gotten at least one seat, probably two, in the European Parliament. You’ve really got to hand it to these guys: they’ve done a lot of work to get to this point. In only three years they’ve gone from a startup political party established groups…
The State of Maryland vs. pr0n
Somehow I’ve found myself involved in the ongoing issue over screening adult films on University System of Maryland schools. There are a few good articles to read on the subject as it stands right now, but here’s a quick summary: College Park was going to screen an adult film in the student theater, but the…
Constitutional Copyright
The Congress shall have Power…To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 3 | Clause 8 While reading the US Constitution for my polisci class, I came across this mention of…
Frozen Out
I went down to my car this morning at 7:45 to find an icy surprise—both my driver’s side and passenger’s side doors were completely frozen shut. After awkwardly tugging on them for a while, I decided to crack open my hatchback, crawl through the car to the driver’s seat, and kick out the door from…
Welcome to Web 2.0
If you haven’t heard about the Elliott Spitzer debacle, the brief summary is that he’s both the governor of New York and a frequenter of a classy prostitution ring. Since the story broke, he’s been disgraced and resigned yesterday. What’s making me smile sardonically this morning, however, is not the developing situation so much as…
SteelWolf on Digital Freedom
This past Friday I had the unique opportunity to take a trip to Washington, D.C. with several members of EDUCAUSE, a higher education organization dedicated to the “intelligent use of information technology.” Representing UMBC students and the UMBC Student Government Association along with SGA President Jay Lagorio, we presented a student perspective on a very…
Student Government Meets Federal Government
A guest blog from MichaelA A. Castello, Assistant Speaker of the Senate at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. This past Friday I had the unique opportunity to take a trip to Washington, D.C. with several members of EDUCAUSE, a higher education organization dedicated to the “intelligent use of information technology.” Representing UMBC students and the…
Broadening my Intellectual Horizons
One thing that has been especially wonderful about my experience at UMBC so far has been my exposure to an environment made up of people from so many diverse backgrounds. Each person brings their own perspective and worldview placed a varied distance on the spectrum from my own. This kind of exposure has both allowed…