Graduated Yet?
Even though I walked across the stage at the beginning of what is now last month, I still haven’t actually graduated. I more or less fell into a trap of my own making, because at the beginning of the semester I decided I wanted to get credit for my research internship again. This involves a…
Let’s Try Some Science
I have been working on updating my research poster for a presentation I’ll be giving at UMBC as part of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achivement Day. I have been a part of this project since I first started working in scientific research last year, and it’s been extremely exciting to start to see the data…
The State of Maryland vs. pr0n
Somehow I’ve found myself involved in the ongoing issue over screening adult films on University System of Maryland schools. There are a few good articles to read on the subject as it stands right now, but here’s a quick summary: College Park was going to screen an adult film in the student theater, but the…
Ideological Whiskers
Being a diverse campus, UMBC has its share of people who inhabit the rough-hewn edges of mainstream beliefs. These aret the people who say things that make non-sympathizers around them feel just a little bit uncomfortable. At my school there is a church who sends guys to stand in academic row with an easel and…
This Unfortunate Holiday
I usually have a grand time on April Fools’ Day, checking out all of the pranks from my favorite sites like Google, Smashing Magazine, and Gizmodo. I can’t remember the last time somebody pulled one on me, but James McCauley just hit me with a great one. Context: James and I have been working over…
A Most Excellent Day
Every so often events and my persepctive on life align in such a way that a truly wonderful experience is generated. Today was one of those times, and while there are still nearly eight hours left, I feel confident in saying that it’s been fantastic. Rachel took off from her Marriott job today in order…
Moving Forward
What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry uplike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a soreAnd then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar overlike a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load. Or does it explode? Langston Hughes
SGA Presidential Debates Online
I am running for President of the UMBC Student Government Association along with Sonia Siddiqui (who is in fact quite awesome). The other day we have the opportunity to debate with the other candidate, which was kindly recorded by UMBCtv and posted online. I encourage you to check out the video and let us know…