Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


  • Game Show Ticket

    I keep thinking this is one of the Game Show tickets from @playglitch.

  • Pi Day! (with pictures)

    This week included March 14th, or 3/14, the holiday in commemoration of a certain special number celebrated by geeks and nerds everywhere. The homophony with pie provides instructions on how said day should be observed. Our Pi Day party featured a spread of six delicious pies: Blueberry, apple, peach praline, key lime, chocolate pudding, and…

  • Victoria Cousland

    I have been meaning to post this character for months now (literally, I started this draft back in October), but I kept thinking I would finish her story. I beat the game the first time with Selene, and for Victoria I spent a lot of time learning about how to mod Dragon Age: Origins to…

  • RPGs Are Powered by Characters, Not Stats

    I am super-excited about Dragon Age 2, Bioware’s latest RPG. One thing that always comes up when a new RPG is released however, is whether or not the gameplay has been “dumbed down.” The idea is that hardcore RPG-players want a high level of customization so they can fine-tune their character’s development, while the wider…

  • Crytek Is Going to Be Just Fine

    Remember Crysis? That mediocre first-person shooter with massive hardware requirements that turned “But can it run Crysis” into a phrase that still hasn’t left the geek culture consciousness? The studio behind the game, cleverly named “Crytek,” has been working on the sequel (scheduled for release in late March). An unfinished version has leaked online, prompting…

  • Here’s the Windup

    We’ve got our second test on Monday, so this week I’ve been more and more occupied with studying and preparing for that. In other words, I’m going to be less busy starting this coming Tuesday. Last week our good friend Kyle (formerly of this now-defunct blog, currently with no internet home sans Facebook) made good…

  • Quitting: Ensuring Everybody That Matters Loses

    Game modding communities thrive on the free exchange of knowledge that ranges from the developers adopting a mod-friendly attitude to the hobbyists who share their work and knowledge with comrades. The community thrives on clever innovation, on people picking up a project where others have left off, and on learning by imitation. Yet interestingly, the…

  • Buying Elsewhere Is Not Cheating

    Ignorant corporate executive Cory Ledesma thinks buying games used somehow cheats developers (read: his company, THQ), so he doesn’t have any problem with tying a game’s online multiplayer  mode to a one-time-use code. This is the kind of ridiculous decision one can expect from the knee-jerk fiscal entitlement mentality everybody making things seems to have…