Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Things that make me feel dumb: Unlabelled Doors

A cartoon of a workman standing in front of a door labelled, "Pullsh."

In general this problem is pretty simple, right? All I have to do is look for the visual cues—be it a sign with clear directions to “push” or “pull,” or more physical attributes like the presence of a handle (pull) or crash bar (push).

What gets me are the handled doors like the one shown in the comic I found on Google Images. It seems like a pull door, but in fact the handle often goes through to the other side, meaning it could actually be a pull door depending on which side I am on. To make matters worse, these types of doors are usually glass so my failure is clearly visible to all.

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4 responses to “Things that make me feel dumb: Unlabelled Doors”

  1. Your Boss ;) Avatar
    Your Boss 😉

    Look for the hinges or auto-closer mechanism. Otherwise be cautious so your failure can’t be easily noticed. Or wait for someone else to go through. Just don’t be like the idiot in the Ford Sync commercial and walk into the door going full speed.

    Oh, and you should feel dumb. 😛

  2. SteelWolf Avatar

    The question is, who is “my boss?”

  3. pyrodancer89 Avatar

    what’s really fun is doors that look like “push” doors on both sides, so you stand there trying to force them open, only to realize 5 minutes later that you are supposed to pull on the flat crash bar. what’s even more fun is when these glass doors lead to a small hamburger and shake joint so when you do make it in(muttering oaths against the engineering of said doors), everyone is staring at you.

  4. SteelWolf Avatar


    Clearly speaking from harsh experience! I empathize with you.

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