Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

To Arr is Pirate

The voting results are in and the Swedish Pirate Party has gotten at least one seat, probably two, in the European Parliament. You’ve really got to hand it to these guys: they’ve done a lot of work to get to this point. In only three years they’ve gone from a startup political party established groups scoffed at in 2006 to representing their voters to the European Union.

I have high hopes for them trying to actually represent the people instead of every corporate interest with a lobbyist; it looks like Sweden does too. A bunch of people getting together to ensure that individual concerns are represented in government is what democracy is all about. Their country has set an example for the rest of the democratic world and we will all be watching this new Great Experiment unfold.

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One response to “To Arr is Pirate”

  1. MattAyers Avatar

    I get the title.

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