SteelWolf on Digital Freedom
This past Friday I had the unique opportunity to take a trip to Washington, D.C. with several members of EDUCAUSE, a higher education organization dedicated to the “intelligent use of information technology.” Representing UMBC students and the UMBC Student Government Association along with SGA President Jay Lagorio, we presented a student perspective on a very…
Final(ly Done)!
I am finally finished with this semester. Looking back, I actually feel like it went by extremely quickly but once the end is in sight, everything seems to slow down. I think all of my finals turned out relatively well, the two most uncertain ones being Cell lab and Spanish. Of course, those are also…
Student Government Meets Federal Government
A guest blog from MichaelA A. Castello, Assistant Speaker of the Senate at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. This past Friday I had the unique opportunity to take a trip to Washington, D.C. with several members of EDUCAUSE, a higher education organization dedicated to the “intelligent use of information technology.” Representing UMBC students and the…
Omar’s Room
Kyle and I ventured into Omar’s room while he was off taking his Physics 111 final in a bold attempt to discover the source of the odor. I’m guessing it results from 2, 3, or 4, but it’s anybody’s guess. All I have to say is, take out the trash and wash your filthy sheets…
In other news…
It appears that Facebook has gotten the blog import feature working again. Perhaps now I should go back and tag some of these. Rachel and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End on DVD last night. I tried to get a better quality picture by hooking the player up via the component video…
Turning Music Piracy Into Business: A BitTorrent Tracker Model
By now everybody has heard of music piracy, a trend that has quickly spread across the world as vast networks of users connect to swap their favorite tracks in the form of digital files. Many attempts have been made to curtail this sensation, from cumbersome “Digital Rights Management” or DRM on purchased content to subscription-based…
Pet Peeves: Listproc n00bs
Here at UMBC we have a whole lot of listprocs. Every organization, committee, and campus department seems to have one of these email mailing lists to mass-message students who opt-in. Conveniently (or not so, depending on your perspective), there is a system through our campus portal, myUMBC, that allows users to manage what listprocs they…
Broadening my Intellectual Horizons
One thing that has been especially wonderful about my experience at UMBC so far has been my exposure to an environment made up of people from so many diverse backgrounds. Each person brings their own perspective and worldview placed a varied distance on the spectrum from my own. This kind of exposure has both allowed…