Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Pet Peeves: Listproc n00bs

Here at UMBC we have a whole lot of listprocs. Every organization, committee, and campus department seems to have one of these email mailing lists to mass-message students who opt-in. Conveniently (or not so, depending on your perspective), there is a system through our campus portal, myUMBC, that allows users to manage what listprocs they are on and add or remove themselves from various lists.

Alas, some students, for some reason or another, cannot seem to figure out how to use this relatively simple system. Instead, they do one of two things:

  • Reply to the whole listproc rather than to the person who sent the message, so the entire group gets, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ll be able to come to the meeting. I have a doctor’s appointment…you know, about the warts?”
  • Get frustrated because they are still on the group when they are no longer interested, have switched majors, or graduated the year before. They then email the listproc in frustration, demanding (sometimes with profanity) that they be removed from this list immediately.

For heaven’s sake, people. Learn to use the system! I think every listproc message should have removal instructions appended to the bottom. While it probably wouldn’t completely solve the problem, at least I would have some seriously solid grounds for calling those people n00bs.

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One response to “Pet Peeves: Listproc n00bs”

  1. Tim Avatar

    To add to this list, n00bs who go and message the ENTIRE CLASS to figure out whats on the upcoming exam.

    You know, Blackboard’s a wonderful piece of crap^H^H^H^H cleverly crafted cra^H^H^H code. I like how they have a link to email everyone right below a massive image button located in the html frame (those went out how long ago?) that reads “COURSE SYLLABUS”

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