Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


I was looking back through my Google Reader starred items and I rediscovered what has to be the greatest flash game since Grid 16. It’s called Auditorium, and it’s a puzzle game that blends the logic of puzzle solving with multi-part musical harmony and smooth visuals. I only made partway through the second act before I had to leave for work, but I can definitely see myself wasting a significant portion of time on this game in the near future. Hopefully at some point they will release a downloadable version of the soundtrack.

Had to drive in to work again today on account of my not being able to find my wallet. Turns out I had left it on the front seat of my car, so if I had walked out of the house, “forgetting” it, I would have been saved. Instead, I searched the house for ten minutes before checking the car, missing the bus in the process.

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One response to “Auditorium”

  1. […] credits consists of about four people. I’ve only more recently gotten into puzzle games after being introduced to Auditorium. I paid $10 for that game (which I still haven’t beaten), so when World of Goo […]

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