Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • A Most Excellent Day

    Every so often events and my persepctive on life align in such a way that a truly wonderful experience is generated. Today was one of those times, and while there are still nearly eight hours left, I feel confident in saying that it’s been fantastic. Rachel took off from her Marriott job today in order…

  • World of Goo

    I just beat World of Goo, an excellent, award-winning independent game from 2D Boy, a studio that from the credits consists of about four people. I’ve only more recently gotten into puzzle games after being introduced to Auditorium. I paid $10 for that game (which I still haven’t beaten), so when World of Goo went…

  • On OnLive

    Apparently at the recent Game Developers Conference, OnLive was revealed as the future of video games. Rather than buying consoles or upgrading your computer, you just pay for the service. They run all the latest games on powerful computers out in “the cloud,” and pipe the content directly to your TV screen through the magic…

  • Bachelors of Science

    Ars Technica recently ran a post on how the scientific method that is taught during early education differs vastly from the actual way science is practiced. This is something I’ve had personal experience with as I worked in a real lab over the past year. Rather than the rather linear progression of observation → hypothesis…

  • Watchmen, and Other Updates

    It has been a little while since I’ve posted here. The main reason is that I’ve been spending my online time working on my secret site redesign. I’m extremely close to finishing and after the work I did this afternoon, I think I’m in pretty good shape to launch in the next couple of days.…

  • Brisingr

    I really wish that Paolini would do the world a favor and just stop writing.

  • Playlist Victory

    I have established a bit of a policy that when I get new music I have to listen to it at least once. This was working well until my music collection increased 50% in nearly one go last fall. My “New Music” playlist became huge, and coupled with various new additions it has taken a…

  • Hydrogen Peroxide and a Band Aid

    Or, “I did in 60 seconds what the University of Maryland Medical Center could not do in 3 hours.” This evening went very different from how I imagined it would go as I was preparing to leave work. I was cleaning out the cryostat from my latest spate of brain-cutting and my hand slipped, slicing…