Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time

    Many people will tell you that there is an issue with parking at UMBC; namely, that there are not enough parking spaces. I would disagree with that claim, submitting instead that there are not enough parking spaces close to where students actually go. It has gotten a bit colder over the past few days and…

  • Oh, Omar…

    On Friday I had an interesting run-in with my apartment-mate, Omar. But for this to be appropriately appreciated, some background needs to be established. Omar has been having a little problem getting up and going to class. After about the first two weeks, his daily attendance began petering out until he was regularly missing Plant,…

  • Personal Record

    Well, by getting this in before midnight I’ve set a new personal record for blog posts in a month, whatever that means. Whether or not anybody actually reads it, I find the practice a helpful way for me to get a lot of the things that bounce around my head all day out—plus at times…

  • What a Weekend!

    What a Weekend!

    For many people, a title like this would begin a sordid tale of a crazy Halloween party involving alcohol, beautiful women, and memorable behavior. However, in case you didn’t already realize I was a geek, my crazy weekend story involves the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire (see the title link), carving pumpkins, Olney Field of Screams, and…

  • Changing the World, Starting with UMBC

    Something I recently realized wasn’t inherently obvious in the posts—the title is actually a link to something I found interesting or in some way relevant (sometimes remotely) to the content of the post. Today got off to a horrible start when I opened my eyes and realized I had slept through both my alarm and…

  • Just a li’l bit excited…

    Yesterday Governor O’Malley came to UMBC to talk about his plan for the state budget to resolve Maryland’s current $1.6 billion structural deficit. Many SGA members were invited to be there including Jay, Elani, Josh (who gave the first introduction), Steve, Gabe, Brady, Brian, James, and myself. As I mentioned in my previous post, we…

  • Tengo mucho en mi plato, y no tenedor

    Today has been rough, and there’s still a lot more ahead. It started with Developmental Bio, after which I went jogging around the loop for Jogging class, as opposed to the track. The day was just too beautiful to not enjoy for at least a little portion of it. After that I had to hurry…

  • Bodies: The Exhibition

    This weekend Rachel and I went with some friends to see Bodies: The Exhibition in D.C. It turned out to be quite the adventure as we got lost part of the of way there and had to call them for directions. They allowed visitors in until 11 PM, however, which I thought was a brilliant…