Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Mistyped URLs

    After the incredible success of my Deviant Art Post Reclamation Effort, I continued onward through time. I finally committed to merging the incredible mistypedURL with this site, which necessitated going through and fixing tags, categories, and formatting. There was also the unfortunate period where I uploaded everything via the erstwhile Posterous; with some internet sleuthing…

  • How I’m Spending the Next-Next Decade

    Mark recently remarked that it has been about…oh, hey, a decade…since I last attempted to lead my family and friends through the masochistic labyrinth of my poor life choices. Having now reached the “Post-Graduate” heading of that infamous post, I suppose an update would be beneficial. Regrettably, despite my prior efforts, many of my loved…

  • Feline Obligations

    Feline Obligations

    Reluctantly, I must admit to the world that we have a cat. I have tried to reach this place of acceptance many times, beginning with a first draft of this post on October 3, 2018. I continued it in July of 2019 and again in February 2020. Now here we are, approximately three and a…

  • Retrospection

    Going through my old oughties-era writing has been quite the adventure. I realized that it has been fourteen years since my final post on Deviant Art, which means that everything else is older than that. As I explored, I took the liberty of fixing misspellings, typos, and adding some commentary to now-dead links where appropriate.…

  • Shelter in Displacement

    As my vacation drew to a close, I walked into the kitchen one morning to find water dripping down the light fixture and onto the couch from bubbles in the ceiling, an observation that set events into motion that now require us to temporarily vacate the condo. The residence above ours developed a leak in…

  • Confounding, Perplexing, Conclusion

    Today, I gave my CPC presentation. I think it’s supposed to stand for Clinical Pathological Correlation…or was it Case Presentation Conference? Despite my lack of certainty on the acronym’s meaning, a CPC is kind of a capstone project for the Pediatrics component of my residency program. An attending physician assigns a senior resident the task…

  • 2πr(aspberry)

    Vacations for residents at my stage of training are scheduled almost a year in advance. Among all the different rotations are nestled two consolidated bits of time off to enjoy and do with it as one pleases. I have tried to use it for travel if I can, as any trip longer than a few…

  • Shelter in Place

    I am starting to feel as though I am not getting the same “quarantine experience” as everyone else. Following California’s lead, many states have been enacting official shelter in place orders, leaving people sitting at home with nothing to do but stream media and learn new skills. It kind of seems like fun, minus the…