Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Life

Short (and long) reads extracted from my personal life.

  • Yesterday’s Dinner

    Today’s dinner, not so interesting. But yesterday, I tried out a homemade seasoning mixture on some mini steaks and cooked artichokes for the first time (served with lemon butter sauce, of course). The seasoning needs work but it all turned out better than I expected. Plus Rachel’s Facebook status about it got a bunch of…

  • Yogurt Lightsaber

  • Some Commentary on the GOP Primary from Cuba

    Fidel Castro, the former president of Cuba, wrote an opinion piece on a Cuban Web site, following a Republican Party presidential candidates’ debate in Florida, in which he argued that the “selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is — and I mean this seriously — the greatest…

  • Reports of Content’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

    Excellent infographic from Techdirt on how all of our favorite mediums are continuing to grow in our brave new technological era, despite the caterwauling of those who insist on being left behind.

  • An Updated Analysis: Why SOPA & PIPA Are A Bad Idea, Dangerous & Unnecessary | Techdirt

    If you want to understand why we’re all so upset about these bills, read this. The concerns are not hyperbole.

  • Excellent Poster Featuring Lamar Smith and SOPA

    This is great—note how everybody on every side opposes it, making you wonder who exactly ol’ Lamar is representing.

  • Heretofore Undiscovered Frequencies

    Over Christmas I acquired some excellent new headphones, Audio Technica’s MH50. I picked these out thanks to a recommendation by Thomas Frank of College Info Geek. These days I spend a lot more time listening to headphones than my speaker system, so I wanted to move away from the “stock earbuds” and get some nice…

  • Working From Home

    I have been relatively quiet of late due to the looming deadline of the paper I’m writing for my lab. I’ve spent a number of afternoons working from home, where I find myself utilizing a comical amount of different tools simultaneously, from duel-wielding Windows and OS X systems to handwritten notes. For no particular reason,…