Finding the Right Path
God’s way is the right way because if he exists, he exists outside the world and can see the shape of things. God’s way is the right way because that is the way the world is; therefore, you can find God’s way by looking at the world—which is exactly what people did when they wrote…
Rick Perry Describes the 2012 Presidential Ballot
If you haven’t already, check out AmericansElect. We are going to have a third candidate next fall, and regardless of who I end up voting for, that is going to be amazing.
Fitocracy Needs Improvement
After seeing the xkcd comic about Fitocracy, I scoured the internet for invitations and was thrilled when I finally found one. Now that I’ve been using the site for a month or two, some of my enthusiasm has waned. The concept is excellent: Turning fitness into an RPG-style game is a brilliant idea, tapping into…
Warner Brothers and Trakt
It’s no secret that Big Content is more than a little schizophrenic when it comes to technology, seeing death knells in the very disruptions that later become their lifeblood. In this vein, I saw the other day that Warner Brothers Australia has begun including shouts from Trakt users on their movie pages. Don’t get me…
Welcoming the Fading Season
A few weeks ago we welcomed SoCal’s fading season (the time of the year many of you call “Autumn” and “Winter”) by going back to Oak Glen, an area high enough in elevation for there to be apple trees and snow. Re:Live had a haystack potluck there, complete with obligatory apple pie for dessert, which…
Do you have one of these items?
I am looking for a few items that are proving surprisingly elusive. If you have one of these and could help me out, I would be extremely grateful! Suspenders Wooden baseball bat Some kind of medallion or metal disc hat could be hung from a string
A Post about Pens
My mother will tell you that I began collecting pens, pencils, and the occasional highlighter or marker from an early age. As I got older, I stopped saving every corporate logo’d stick pen that crossed my path, instead filling mugs and cans with souvenir pens containing trains or animals that floated back and forth, pencils…
Saber-Toothed Mystery
Remember when I posted that I wanted that Threadless shirt? I received a package a few weeks later with the shirt enclosed. I thought my brother Mark had gotten it for me, until I noticed the note: “May the Flying Spaghetti Monster touch you with his noodly appendage.” That eliminated Mark and narrowed the pool of…