Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Life

Short (and long) reads extracted from my personal life.

  • Retroactive Updating

    I have been meaning to photograph and post pictures of my better traditional art pieces for some time. Over the weekend I was inspired by my boss to actually follow through with the plan, and as a result there will finally be some content in the dusty “Creative” inglenook of this site, after standing vacant…

  • Financing a Record with Free

    It’s inspiring to see people breaking out of the box and coming up with truly creative ways to use free content as part of a business model. Free culture makes for better business—just not for the crusty middlemen. Definitely check out Georgia Wonder. Both during store hours and after the store closes each night, they’ll…

  • The Secret Behind Pumpkin Pie

  • Yes, the Flyleaf concert was amazing.

    My ears are still ringing from the concert last night, but it was most definitely worth it. Flyleaf played in the smallest room of Sonar (warning: flash), and Rachel, Kyle and I were right against the barrier. We could practically touch the performers from where we were in what was the closest possible approximation to…

  • Thinking About the Cultural Shift

    This article by Mike Masnick is a bit of a long read, but it goes along with some things I’ve said far less eloquently. Yes, the internet, corporations, and globalization make for bigger hits (think Oprah joins twitter), but at the same time it enables powerful subcommunities (, game modders). It’s fascinating, especially because as many of us have seen…

  • Killing in the Name Of

    This season I’ve started following the television show House again and I’ve taken advantage of the “bye” week to catch up. I doubt any avid followers of the show have as much lag time between air time and watch time as I do, but in the off chance you fail worse than me: Spoilers Ahead.…

  • This Was a Triumph

    All too often my weekends pass by in a blur of responsibilities, visiting families, and going places that, after ensuring I am sufficiently dizzy, cruelly abandons me on Monday morning. I am left drinking coffee and asking myself just where that time went, and how long is it until Friday again? In a refreshing inversion,…

  • Silly AMCAS

    Remember how the AMCAS med school application website doesn’t work with any modern browsers? How I can’t upgrade Firefox past 3.0 on my Mac at work because there are no other supported OSX browsers, and at home I can only use IE 8 in compatibility mode? They haven’t fixed it yet.What’s even more frustrating is…