Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Life

Short (and long) reads extracted from my personal life.

  • Stalked by a Giant

    I called up Giant today at about 8:15 to get my work schedule. After waiting for some time and starting to fall asleep, I am informed that I’m working from 10:30 to 6:30. Not only is that in two hours, but it’s the entire available daylight portion of the day. I was planning on mowing a lawn…

  • I. Am an Idiot.

    I lost my sunglasses. The sunglasses that I haven’t lost in several years that I love. They’re awesome, not to mention expensive. Oakley. Now sitting in the grass somewhere at a friend’s house, where I travelled all over their neighborhood. Thinking backward: Wears sunglasses while driving. Exiting car, forgets to leave them behind. Stupid. Oh, I didn’t bring my case. Clips to shirt. Stupid.…

  • Reality Check

    I get to see Rachel this weekend…always a good thing. When I picked up my pictures, the fellow had given me seven prints instead of the three I ordered and paid for. So I have three bad ones, and seven good ones. My little brother saw them on the computer desk and said, “You know one of these…

  • Frustrations

    I took my pictures back to the guy. After about four hours of fiddling and reading about resolutions and aspect ratios, I think I finally got the image in the correct proportions. I delivered him the new image, but he made me pay again to make prints of it. Whee. So just shy of $20 and who knows…

  • CMYK

    CMYK color. I’m not good at using it yet. I’ve been trying to get my banquet image set up so I can get some actual prints made of it at my local photo shop. I figured that converting the image to CMYK mode would make sure the colors turned out correctly, because it would give me a chance…

  • Huzzah

    I don’t think people like reading long journal entries. I don’t blame them; I don’t think I would either unless I really cared about what was going on with the person. That, and then when somebody writes all this personal stuff everybody reads it and then there’s this awkward feeling. I mean, what are you going to…

  • Vacation, Life, etc.

    So now that it’s been nearly a whole month since I wrote in this thing… I was on vacation for a week with my mom, little brother, my best friend Jason aka PlatinumTalon, and his younger cousin doubling as my little brother’s friend. I’ve been going to Chincoteague Island, VA every summer for more of my life…

  • I’m Back

    I got in at 2:00 am EDT today. Aside from the fact that I missed Rachel every minute of every day, the trip was awesome. I met a ton of great people and had the opportunity to participate in a number of unique experiences. Some of the medical related highlights included the anatomy laboratory at UCSF, where…