Pumpkin Carving Party
We had a bunch of people over to carve pumpkins on Hallowe’en weekend. It was a first experience for many of our friends and the results were quite impressive. One of the pumpkins turned out to look oddly similar to one of our Biochem professor’s trademark expressions. There’s also a toothy face, a devouring face,…
Round and Round We Go
Studying has more or less pushed me underground for the past week—we’ve got our first biochem test tomorrow. A side effect is that I’ve been unwittingly collecting pictures of metabolic cycles drawn (and redrawn) on various whiteboards. It started innocuously enough with me simply intending to “look at it later,” but instead of doing that…
Computer Troubles—Yay!
Tess, my five year-old desktop PC, has been throwing all kinds of conniptions over the past few months. Macheads, I see your fingers poised over the keyboard: If you are interested in purchasing Apple’s overpriced hardware and gifting it to me, I will gladly accept. Otherwise, silence. Classes and my lab rotation are now in progress,…
After living in California for over a month, we’re traveling back to Maryland for our friends’ wedding. It almost feels like coming home, but then it doesn’t, because we’ve had a bit of time to become accustomed to our new place being home. While we’re back, we’re going to be in a madcap dash to…
On the Consumption of Content
Now that we have internet access and are pretty much unpacked, I’ve been slowly trying to catch up on the internet. I’ve collected RSS feeds in Google Reader to the point that I can’t get through them all on a regular day, so several weeks of backlog probably means I’m going to give up and…
The Stunning Conclusion
Somehow this ending already got spoiled (must have been those voracious online fan communities), but almost two weeks ago we made it to California. Here are the pics of the final terrain change, where we begin seeing cacti and palm trees in earnest. Heading into the valley we had a twelve-mile unbroken downhill coast.
Smoky Mountains
Took these pictures of the Smoky Mountains while leaving Tennessee en route to Arkansas. Call it a wild guess, but I’m saying that fog like this is how they got their name.
Chattanooga Sunset
This is the last batch of pictures from Chattanooga. I was a little trigger-happy with the camera, okay? The sky provided us with a “woah, blue rainbow” experience. I’m guessing the river had something to do with the cloud-free swath of sky.