Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Short Reads

Updates that are comfortably bite-sized.

  • Barrier to Entry

    A while back (2006, to be exact) Coke started My Coke Rewards, a semi-digital version of those frequent customer reward programs. It’s supposed to be very simple: you buy Coke brand drinks and enter the code under the cap online. Apparently now you can even text the codes in on your cell phone (how delightfully…

  • Deadlights

    It’s been raining a lot around here lately, which means a lot of driving around with windshield wipers. A while back I replaced my broken wiper blades with new ones by Rain-X, followed quickly by replacing my blue windshield washer fluid with bright orange product also from Rain-X. The combination of the two has created…

  • Fahrenheit 451

    This was an excellent book—I especially loved the way Ray Bradbury ended it with the Afterward and Coda.

  • New Style Switcher

    Inspired by a number of amazing, professional sites, I spent a bunch of time working with TimK on creating my own version of a style switcher. To be honest, at this point the code is rather ham-handed and I’ll be looking to improve it in the near future. But for now, it’s pretty cool, and…

  • Rebooting

    I realized this week that I was having some trouble getting pingbacks to work on the site. I spent far too much time scouring the internet looking for solutions to the problem with little luck. Ultimately, it appears that the issue was more specifically related to my conditions than I initially expected, but in the…

  • Vote for Me!

    When I launched the site a few weeks ago, I stumbled across a WordPress design contest hosted by WPWebhost. I decided to toss my hat into the ring and it turns out that out of 58 entries for the “Modern & Elegant” category, I was selected to be one of the ten contestants in the poll.…

  • Ready to Launch?

    I am so close to switching over to my new site design. I’m being a bit of a perfectionist over a few details but I’m extremely excited about how it’s going to look. Over the next few days mistypedURL is going to be a much better place—perhaps almost as awesome as omgwtfbbq1.

  • cp_usa

    A couple of nights ago I had a crazy dream based around Team Fortress 2. The teams were red and blue, as usual, and I was playing on the red (defending) team. The map was some strange modification of cp_dustbowl translated to real life. The twist was that the blue and red teams represented Democrats…