Waiting for Dark Knight Rises
J was tired so we put her to bed while we are waiting in line. I’ve been excited about this movie for ages! Saw the first movie this afternoon in preparation.
We Already Have Our “Centrist”
I am sick of this “pox on both houses” outlook on American politics. People like Tom Friedman and other so-called “centrists” keep pining for this fantastical blend of today’s Republicans and Democrats. This idea is entirely flawed. The past four years have been characterized by deliberate Republican obstructionism with the expressed intent to hamstring our…
It’s time for a whole new Mittens!
I’m surprised how easily duped voters are (if not in fact, certainly in the eyes of the Romney campaign). His opinions on issues vacillate something like the following exchange: Primary Voter: I support voting rights for fetuses! Mitt: If there is one thing I know I support, it’s voting rights for fetuses. Primary Voter: Excellent,…
Unexpected Breezes
Starbucks and Chipotle are closed for Easter, but it’s a gorgeous day, so I’ve been working on their outdoor patio. The temperature is comfortable, if a little warm, so when a small breeze arose, I thought, “Oh, thank you, breeze.” Perhaps encouraged by my sentiment, the breeze continued, billowing and billowing. It caught some of…
Why Do We Hate Government?
I don’t understand the anti-government sentiment that has been so pervasive in certain circles. The basis of a representative government is not an inherited organization that seeks to oppress or control the people. Rather, it is an institution of collective action that allows us to attempt to act in the best interest of all. The…
Thanks Bizby!
One time I was having a bad day, so J gave me a KitKat. But Bizby ate it while I wasn’t paying attention. Today, she repaid with interest. <3 Now, Lisa, about those Sour Patch Kids…
Yesterday’s Dinner
Today’s dinner, not so interesting. But yesterday, I tried out a homemade seasoning mixture on some mini steaks and cooked artichokes for the first time (served with lemon butter sauce, of course). The seasoning needs work but it all turned out better than I expected. Plus Rachel’s Facebook status about it got a bunch of…
Heretofore Undiscovered Frequencies
Over Christmas I acquired some excellent new headphones, Audio Technica’s MH50. I picked these out thanks to a recommendation by Thomas Frank of College Info Geek. These days I spend a lot more time listening to headphones than my speaker system, so I wanted to move away from the “stock earbuds” and get some nice…