Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Cherries and Fire Alarms

I was doing physics homework before I got distracted popping cherries, into my mouth. Such succulent fruits!

Neat adventure this morning: The very moment I stepped into the shower, the fire alarm in my apartment went off, immediately transforming what should have been a very enjoyable time into a moment of awkward. I debated continuing my shower, willfully ignorant to the blaring warnings, but decided against it in fear of an overzealous student marshal pounding down my door and insisting I vacate the premises as is. I much prefer leaving my apartment on my own terms. Although I did take the time to clothe myself before exiting the building, I wasn’t the last person out of the building, proving that once again, if the building was on fire, we would all die.

It didn’t help that the alarm for my apartment is located on the hallway directly across from the shower, so when I opened the door I realized exactly how loud that thing really was. I could feel my eardrums vibrating in sync with its cacophonous projection…

I’ve now extracted all the delicious goodness from the bag, so to physics I return.

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