I don’t think people like reading long journal entries. I don’t blame them; I don’t think I would either unless I really cared about what was going on with the person. That, and then when somebody writes all this personal stuff everybody reads it and then there’s this awkward feeling. I mean, what are you going to say? “Yeah, I killed a fish once. I know it’s not the same as blah blah blah but I know how you feel.” It’s like when some stranger walks up to you on the street and starts giving you their whole life story. You just smile and nod and hope they’ll go away or get off at the next bus stop.
I used Judy’s (pointgiven) Wacom über-tablet for the fade-age on my Rachel collage picture. Yay for Rachel! Mwah. Check it out right here. Again, it’s one of those personal things where most of the value is tied up with the artist, but hopefully some people will be able to appreciate it.
And I’ve been slowly organizing my vacation pictures and getting them ready to post. Check out the ones I’ve done so far in my gallery. Solitary Seating is kinda cool. I put my NYLF snapshots up in the scraps gallery if you’re interested in them (4/16/2020: A vestige from the Deviant Art account).
Whee. Perhaps I’m cheerier (is that a word? More cheery…?) because I got to see Rachel this weekend. Of course I miss her lots and lots… Have I mentioned that I love Rachel?