Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Left Behind

There’s definitely something to be said for leaving the house in the morning in a controlled and organized manner, rather than the inefficient whirlwind of chaos and failure I perpetuate in those wee AM hours.

Case in point: I left my iPod plugged in to my computer instead of transferring it to my backpack. This, after I invested several minutes in picking out the music I wanted to listen to at work today. As a result, I had to endure a bus ride and even brave the crimson emptiness of the darkroom with nary a note to lubricate the experiences. I keep seeing it there, lying useless atop my computer case, longing to deliver its sweet contents to my tympanic membranes.

On another note, this antagonistic “cold virus” is ever so slowly relinquishing its grip on my olfactory mucosa. I’m sure my coworkers will be as pleased as I when my ever-present tissue box is rendered unnecessary.

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