Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Back in Albuquerque

    I didn’t think I’d be driving on these roads so soon after Rachel and I drove from Maryland to California. We’ve recognized a number of places we either passed by or stopped at back in July. It’s looking like our group is going to recapitulate our western journey even further with a detour to the…

  • Sense of Accomplishment

    It’s late and we have to get an early start on our drive back home tomorrow so this is going to be a bit short. We went back to the house we ended on yesterday and finished the job, as well as helped a few other folks lift some things. In the second half of…

  • Getting Dirty

    We got a much later start today, sleeping in (relatively speaking) and eating a good breakfast. This time we added Jeff and his Bobcat. Unfortunately we had a hard time finding a work site, and spent most of the morning driving from place to place, waiting to hear from people, and trying to get around…