Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • First Secondaries

    So far, I’ve only navigated the first few of the many  frustrating and agonizing stages of the med school application process. I’ve already submitted my  centralized application via AMCAS (using IE8’s compatibility view since no other browsers work). While I wait for AMCAS to get around to looking at my application and verify that I…

  • Concert Aftermath

    I had an amazing time at the Silversun Pickups concert at Rams Head Live in Baltimore this past Monday night. Perhaps a little too much of my enthusiasm went to twitter, and ultimately to Facebook, because several Facebook friends were upset on Tuesday about my flood of status updates. I’ve since switched to the Selective…

  • The Tenenbaum Farce

    Despite media attention that suggests otherwise, the number of cases brought by Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) members against their customers that have actually gone to trial can be counted on one hand. One of the most recent of these is the trial of Joel Tenenbaum, the case that set itself up to be…