Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Thoughts on Health Care Reform

    I think the best thing you can do for health care is have a baseline option that is given to everybody, and make the private people compete for customers to switch to their service instead. That’s the general idea behind having a “public option,” and why it’s so important. Creating competition is a way of…

  • Refocusing

    For some time now I’ve been feeling like I’ve been busy all the time and working hard but not really getting anywhere. Yesterday, Rachel and I took a much-needed break from our typical rushing around and just slept in and hung around the house. Unlike some other times when we each do our own thing,…

  • Conversational Betrayal

    I am sure everybody has had a similar experience at one point or another: you reveal something marginally embarrassing but common about yourself, and those around you react as if they’ve never encountered such a horrible thing before, and good heavens why are you so strange? One of the best examples of this is peeing…