Age of Conan, the latest in the parade of Massively-Multiplayer Online Gaming scams, released yesterday. Almost immediately a number of my friends happily boarded the train where you not only have to buy a ticket to get on, but also must continue slipping bills to the conductor to prevent him from throwing you off somewhere…
Tess, my desktop computer, decided to throw a complete hissy fit yesterday. She’d been PMSing for the past several weeks, giving me random BSODs and refusing to boot into Windows properly post-catastrophe. Yesterday after one of these episodes she outright refused to turn on, prompting me to go on a mad scramble to purchase a…
If you haven’t heard about the Elliott Spitzer debacle, the brief summary is that he’s both the governor of New York and a frequenter of a classy prostitution ring. Since the story broke, he’s been disgraced and resigned yesterday. What’s making me smile sardonically this morning, however, is not the developing situation so much as…