Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Rachel Weekend!

I find it helps clear my mind a little if I write one of these journals before embarking on a quest to write a good composition paper. I’m going to need all the +1UP’s I can get while working on this one. It’s the first composition paper all year that I have zero motivation for, as it’s an analysis paper. Of fellow students’ persuasive papers. How boring is that? The only creativity is in remaining in third person. 

I was going to gripe about how the guy from CompUSA hadn’t called me back yet, but then I would be lying, because they did call me back when I was at class. I was a bit surprised in spite of myself when I heard, but now it’s a new pain because I have to call him back tomorrow.

I’m losing my wisdom tomorrow. That’s a shame, because I didn’t have very much to begin with, and then I had to use all the wisdom manna points to generate these four teeth. And the little blighters couldn’t even come in straight, thanks to my mouth being too small. Naturally, I couldn’t find any save points, so I’m forced to go in for surgery tomorrow morning. Now I’ll be incapacitated for the remainder of the day and a good part of the next, so they say. Somehow I’m going to have to get this paper completed.

I spent the weekend with Rachel! w007! Rachel is most wonderful. I love her so much! 


Spending time with Rachel is awesome, even when things aren’t that great. Because it isn’t about everything being perfect, it’s about being together with the one I love.

Enough Said.

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